Miss Vogue

How To Clean Trainers: The Definitive 5-Step Guide

Image may contain Clothing Shoe Footwear Apparel Running Shoe and Sneaker

There's no way around it, your trainers - no matter how much you treasure them, mind your step or treat them with the highest level of precaution - will get dirty. With summer festivals, off-terrain exploring and trips to the beach all the perfect excuses for stepping out in sneaks (let alone actual sporting activity), we reached out to London's ultimate destination of clean creps, Jason Markk, for the top tips for keeping your prized possessions brilliant white long after they've been taken out of the box.

In the last decade the brand has established itself as the go-to for sneakerheads looking to reinvigorate their beloved trainers, first starting with a sneaker-specific range of care products (you'll never go back to using household cleaners once you try) and then opening drop-off services, first in LA and now on London's Carnaby Street.

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However, if your favourites need urgent action or you're keen to perfect your sneak-care technique, here's how:

1. Start With A Brush

Always start by using a soft bristle brush over the entire upper and midsole of the shoe. This step acts to remove any top layer of dirt and dust that would have otherwise embedded itself deeper into the material and thus making cleaning more difficult. Always make sure it's the right brush for the right kind of shoe. If you want to be precise, you'll need different ones for suede, knit, leather or mesh uppers.

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2. Soaking It Up

Your trainers deserve more than a classic J-cloth. Investing in a microfiber towel will make all the difference when it comes to the second step. The Jason Marrk option is designed to easily tackle stubborn scuffs on midsoles with a few drops of solution and a bit of pressure. Don't think they're only for smoothing over scuffs, microfiber towels also revive suede back to good-as-new vitality.

3. Don't Let It Build Up

Act quickly. Cleaning your trainers after every time you wear them is a wise move if you want to keep hold of these creps for some time. Allowing dirt and dust to build up over time only makes them more difficult to clean, and can actually shorten the life of a leather sneaker. If you're forgoing wellies for trainers this festival season, pack a cleaning solution that doesn't need any water for ease and speed. The RTU Foam is our pick.

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4. Keeping Them Fresh

Storing sneakers can also have a large impact on their lifespan. Before packing them away, always make sure that they're dry, clean and laced up. Those who want to go the extra mile will add shoe fresheners into each shoe, as well as wrapping them in acid-free tissue paper. Thrown away the original boxes? Invest in these.

5. Laces, Laces, Laces

What a difference a new pair can make, especially if you're talking tennis white. Running them through the wash can work, but there's nothing like that totally fresh feel. For a few pounds you can give shoes a new feel, and even up the ante by choosing creative colours that clash with a new energy. Pink trainers? Choose orange laces. Green shoes? Opt for grey. While those that have a hiking aesthetic are the passport to next season.

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