It seems there is a wrong way to come out.

In response to allegations made by Star Trek: Discovery actor Anthony Rapp that Kevin Spacey had made unwelcome advances on the former when Rapp was 14 years-old, Spacey released a two paragraph statement in which he disavowed knowledge of the incident as described and also came out as a gay man. On every level, from conceptually to syntactically, it's a betrayal of the queer communities.

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The beautiful promise of coming out is that it can be, in an ideal form, wholly one's own. Everyone should be allowed to speak the truth about themselves as they understand it when they want, how they want and as many times as they want. (For many in queer communities, coming out is a multi-stage process. Indeed, when is anyone ever finished learning about themselves?) Many around the world are robbed of all or part of that freedom by others, sometimes even others within LGBTQ communities. But ideally you can come out when and how you need to. It's okay to come out in a letter, in a speech in front of your school, in a diary entry no one sees, in a lavish YouTube spectacular, while on a tour of the White House (::raises hand::), at a holiday dinner, or on an episode of your eponymous television show.

What you cannot do, however, is come out as a way of spinning a story about your own past misconduct. The cynicism of Kevin Spacey choosing this moment and this statement to announce that he lives life as a gay man is staggering. It's tone-deaf and smacks of a contempt for the larger gay community. That the actor can even reconcile in his mind drunkenly preying on a 14 year-old of any gender with experiencing same-sex attraction is outrageous. The fact that he chooses to share that as a means of defense is unacceptable.

Spacey's statement gives damaging fuel to the lie that queer people are sexual predators and pedophiles, something anti-gay activist Anita Bryant peddled unsuccessfully decades ago, as Ira Madison III notes in his excellent Daily Beast piece on the controversy. It's also something that opponents of gender neutral bathrooms continue to harp on today. The damage is on-going. The actor will probably not be remembered as turning the tide on LGBTQ rights in one direction or the other, but by putting his second paragraph anywhere near his first paragraph, he makes life harder for every queer person in some small way and every person who has the potential to change their opinions.

That, to my mind, is the biggest offense of this statement. It isn't the two paragraphs on their own; it's the space between them. Here are the lines that take Spacey from denying knowledge of Rapp's allegations to declaring himself part of the LGBTQ community:

"But if I did behave then as he describes, I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior, and I am sorry for the feelings he describes having carried with him all these years. This story has encouraged me to address other things about my life. I know that there are stories out there about me and that some have been fueled by the fact that i have been so protective of my privacy."

This is spin. This is not a personal revelation. This is not a moment of discovery. This is not the truth of one's being bursting out of every pore, desperate to see the light. This is damage control.

Here is the movement of those sentences: Spacey tries to blame Jack Daniels for something that Jack Daniels doesn't make you do. Then he says, "Speaking of which" (speaking of what now?) "There's stories out there that I'm gay, so if I tell you this, will you leave me alone?"

What bold misanthropy. This is somehow both calculated and reckless. This is pivoting from addressing a bad act to throwing a sparkling distraction at the masses. This is a coming out worthy of the Trump era.

Am I supposed to point to this statement when I tell a child that it gets better? Am I to tell the queer person fearing for their rights, their safety, their life in today's America, "Have hope! Kevin Spacey found a way to make coming out politically expedient"?

Rooted in the words that an individual uses to come out is a deep hope. It is the trust that life is better on the other side. That the light gives more than the darkness. It is, I suppose, human nature to sometimes pervert the light for our own benefit. But as a larger society, we don't have to accept it. Coming out can give us access to a wider, historically deep, and endlessly creative community. Kevin Spacey's statement in response to Anthony Rapp reflects, at best, an ambivalence to being in relationship with that community. And that's achingly sad.

On last night's generous and genre-bending episode of Star Trek: Discovery Anthony Rapp was given a beautiful scene with Sonequa Martin-Green on which the plot turned. In it, Rapp's character, ship engineer Lt. Stamets, slow danced with Martin-Green's scientist Michael Burnham. Stamets told Burnham how he came to meet his husband, the ship's doctor played by Wilson Cruz.

"I told him how I really felt. And he did the same. And we like that about each other," Rapp's character said. "Never hide who you are. That's the only way relationships work."