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The protagonist, Eric, has a recurring dream and is beset with a feeling of being late. For what he has no idea, as he can never remember the dream; only that there was something about a bird. He recognises that he is behaving irrationally, but eventually decides to follow an unknown path in order to get the dream out of his system. However, the further he goes, the more he begins to remember details from the dream. Worse, things manifest that are real enough for him to photograph and send evidence to his wife that he hasn’t gone completely round the bend. Some of these are scary or disturbing in various ways. The journey takes Eric through a variety of landscapes and challenges, each riddled with hazards that he can only discover as things attack or trip him up in some way. One of the things I like about the story is that Eric is intelligent enough to ask obvious questions, like what happens if he refuses to follow the path that appears to be laid out for him and just goes home? And why him? Answers will be forthcoming, and Eric’s journey forms much of the structure of the story. There are aspects of the story that will make the reader uncomfortable. It is a Horror story after all. There are also passages to inspire various forms of fear, from monsters to natural fear of heights. The author takes the time to bring out the emotional reactions that you would expect to experience in each situation. He also introduces original elements into each stage of the journey. As I said, there are surprises, whether they pertain to major plot points or are amusing details. That’s one of the other things I also liked about the story. There was humour. A one-liner in the middle of a dire situation can be hilarious if done right and I laughed a fair bit while reading about monster chases. The story kept me interested on an intellectual level. There were some clever plays on words and conversations that sounded like real people talking. By the time I got to the later chapters, I was really wondering how the author was going to resolve the story. I can usually pretty much work it out by that stage, but not this time. While I won’t give away any details, I will say that the ending was satisfying and although it is set up for the next book in a series, I feel that I have the choice to continue or not, as the current story has reached a proper end.  I probably will read the next one because I enjoyed this one. The writing was generally good apart from the overuse of pronouns and the way the author made each stage of the journey unique in its detail leads me to believe that other books by the same author are likely to be good. I wasn’t terrified at the edge of my seat, but I did feel driven to keep reading. I think the humour diffused a lot of what could have been more tense. I’d love to see this author do some suspenseful build-up and save the humour for diffusing it after the reader is drawn thoroughly into the creep factor. I see a definite talent here and will be keeping an eye on

rachael774h Via Flipboard
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