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There has been much to celebrate across our REAch2 EA Schools this month. Our amazing children have been 'super busy' with end of year assessments and participating in the numerous plays, competitions, enrichments activities and visits to further support and extend their learning. Our regional choir was selected to perform on HMS Belfast for our REAch2 Headteachers across the Trust. Children representing each of our twelve schools took part in the first ever 'Visible Learning KIDSMEET' hosted in partnership with Osiris Educational. Huge thanks to all of our schools for hosting KidsMeets, TEAchMeets, Sporting Events, Summer Fairs and Training across the region. Whilst there has been much to celebrate across our region, we must also take a moment to reflect. All of our achievements would not have been possible without the relentless drive and commitment of our hardworking staff. Thank you! For our wonderful Y6 children transitioning to secondary school, we wish success with your future endeavours. You will be missed! Finally, we wish all of our wonderful children, parents, staff, Governors and wider communities a fun-filled summer break. We can't wait to welcome you back in September.

Reach2A Via Flipboard
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