Even though STEM subjects can often seem off-putting and irrelevant to daily life, competency in math and science are more vital in today’s world. How can we make them seem more appealing to kids? Most importantly, we don’t even realize how we use math and science around us, all the time!

For example, catching a fly ball requires wildly complex math calculations, and baking a cake uses some pretty sophisticated chemistry. Fortunately, there are a lot of great resources out there; encourage kids to explore math and science by making both subjects fun.
~Armin Brott

Everything is based on calculations and STEM focuses on those skills.

Every aspect of our world is based on mathematical calculations, chemical reactions and scientific formulas. All we really need to do is get kids to realize this in order to become fascinated with the STEM fields. Luckily, there are a myriad of resources out there devoted to accomplishing this. Below are listed many children’s books, TV shows and websites that show the usefulness of math and science.

Key Takeaways:

STEM subjects seem to be a lot more important these days.
Is there some way to make math and science more fun so my kids won’t be as turned off as I was?
There are a lot of great resources out there; encourage kids to explore math and science by making both subjects fun.

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