What’s next for augmented reality after ‘Pokemon Go’?

“Pokemon Go” has introduced much of America to augmented reality, a freakish landscape with computer-generated monsters frolicking in the real world. It also has game designers scrambling to create the next AR smash. What classic games could be good choices to make the leap?

— “Pac-Man Chomp": There’d better be a power pellet around the corner, because those ghosts are gaining on you.

— “Space Invaders Smash": The aliens are attacking Mount Rushmore, and your smartphone is the only thing stopping Abe and George from being obliterated.

— “Tetris Drop": Those gaps in the Manhattan skyline need to be filled. Better yet: How many blocks will it take to stuff the Grand Canyon?

— “Monopoly Up": Replace that ugly dump on the next block with a shiny red hotel. Just don’t try to squeeze cash out of passersby, or you might really Go to Jail. (Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.)

— “Grand Theft Auto Vroom": Uh, no.


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