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BLACK PEOPLE OWNED SLAVES TOO???? YES they did, however the majority of BLACKS who owned BLACK SLAVES was NOT the same as WHITES who owned BLACK SLAVED. Since 1654, free blacks bought and sold other black people and continued to do so right through the Civil War. The majority of free blacks would purchase their family members to protect them but there were some who would exploit them for free labor and profit, just as they learned from white slave owners. In 1830, the year most carefully studied by Carter G. Woodson, about 13.7 percent (319,599) of the black population was free. Of these, 3,776 free Negroes owned 12,907 slaves, out of a total of 2,009,043 slaves owned in the entire United States, so the numbers of slaves owned by black people over all was quite small by comparison with the number owned by white people. Also, the majority of black slaves that were owned by white slave owners were treated extremely cruel, inhumanly, and violent. Now let's begin....... In 1924's Free Negro Owners of Slaves in the United States in 1830, The census records show that the majority of the Negro owners of slaves were such from the point of view of helping each other out. In many instances the husband purchased the wife or vice versa … Slaves of Negroes were in some cases the children of a free father who had purchased his wife. If husband did not emancipate his wife after purchase, his own children were born his slaves and were thus reported to the numbers as slaves when in fact technically they were not. Most husbands failed to do this, Either they didn't know how, forgot, or wanted to keep their family under the radar. Not all cared about family ...... Some black owners of slaves had some personal interest in their property. There were also instances in which free Negroes had a real economic interest in the institution of slavery and held slaves in order to improve their economic status. The same thing some blacks do today. Exploit their own people for profit or personal gain. There was even a time, free black people could even "own" the services of white indentured servants. Free blacks owned slaves in Boston by 1724 and in Connecticut by 1783; by 1790, 48 black people in Maryland owned 143 slaves. One particularly notorious black Maryland farmer named Nat Butler regularly purchased and sold Negroes for the Southern trade. LETS TALK ABOUT THE SHUCKEN & JIVEN SOME black slave owners possessed slaves for the purpose of advancing their [own] well-being … these black slave owners were more interested in making their farms or carpenter-shops money than they were in treating their slaves humanely. The black slave owners who obtained slaves for personal gain, wanted to conform to the pattern established by the dominant slave owning group (the white slave owners) within the State in the effort to elevate themselves to a position of respect and privilege. They BLACK ASSES basically wanted WHITE PRIVILEGE and for the white man to accept them equally, even if that meant mistreating their own. Perhaps the most INSIDIOUS or DESPERATE ATTEMPT to DEFEND THE RIGHT OF BLACK PEOPLE TO OWN OTHER BLACK SLAVES was the statement made on the eve of the Civil War by a group of free people of color in New Orleans, offering their services to the Confederacy, in part because they were fearful for their own enslavement: "The free colored population [native] of Louisiana … own slaves, and they are dearly attached to their native land … and they are ready to shed their blood for her defense. They have no sympathy for abolitionism; no love for the North, but they have plenty for Louisiana … They will fight for her in 1861 as they fought [to defend New Orleans from the British] in 1814-1815." Now for some of you, they would have been called a KOON or a SELL OUT! They basically threw their people to the wolves to save themselves or because they were opportunist. Once the war broke out, some of these same black men formed 14 companies of a militia composed of 440 men and were organized by the governor in May 1861 into "the Native Guards, Louisiana," swearing to fight to defend the Confederacy. Although given no combat role, the Guards — reaching a peak of 1,000 volunteers — became the first Civil War unit to appoint black officers. Who wouldn't appoint such brave black men who was willing to say fuck other blacks I'll help the white man fight to keep the black man as slaves. SHUCKIN & JIVEN. The black slave owners who were exploiting slaves even took it to a another level. When New Orleans fell in late April 1862 to the Union, about 10 percent of these men, not missing a beat, now formed the Native Guard/Corps d'Afrique to defend the Union. Joel A. Rogers noted this phenomenon in his 100 Amazing Facts: "The Negro slave-holders, like the white ones, fought to keep their chattels in the Civil War." It is also noted that some black men, including those in New Orleans at the outbreak of the War, "fought to perpetuate slavery." Let me simplify it, I don't think you all understand this paragraph. SOME Black slave owners fought in the civil war so they can keep their property, which was black slaves. They DID NOT want to free them. They even fought with their white counterparts, to keep slavery going. HOWEVER on a good note..... MOST black slave-owners, the clear majority, cleverly used the system of slavery to protect their loved ones and help out other blacks. AGAIN THE MAJORITY OF BLACK SLAVE OWNERS USED SLAVERY TO PROTECT THEIR OWN PEOPLE! AND......scholars agree, that by 1860 the number of free blacks owning slaves had markedly decreased from 1830. In fact, Loren Schweninger concludes that by the eve of the Civil War, "the phenomenon of free blacks owning slaves had nearly disappeared" in the Upper South, even if it had not in places such as Louisiana in the Lower South. LACE Insurgent Queen #IQ💫

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