Shirleylaw shared a photo from Flipboard

你離夢想還有多遠? 還在用距離和金錢$來丈量? 一顆自由行走の心❤, 遠比任何方式都更有效。 有時候,夢想與現實, 也許只有翻開一頁紙の距離…… 謹祝,開卷有益。 來自【夢想之旅】一場穿越時間與空間的夢想之旅…… #dream&travel 【i will try to finish read this book】

Shirleylaw Via Flipboard
This image was shared from Flipboard, a fast, beautiful way to flip through the news, photos and updates your friends are sharing on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Google+ and Instagram.
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