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Book writers & coffee tea corner

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  • The Space Between the Lightning and the Thunder: A Journey of Motherhood through Prematurity and a Pandemic, is a memoir of the author's experience of having a complicated pregnancy, giving birth to a very premature baby, their subsequent life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), her long and oftentimes fraught hospitalization, and how the author managed to create her own version of motherhood amidst a worldwide pandemic. The book is set in the outskirts of Paris and is a story of gratitude, surprising twists and turns, and the fight to survive. It is also a love letter to her daughter and to the doctors, nurses and everyone else who helped them along the way.

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    The Space between the Lightning and the Thunder: A journey of motherhood through prematurity and a pandemic

    The Space between the Lightning and the Thunder: A journey of motherhood through prematurity and a pandemic

    After giving birth to a very premature baby weighing no more than two blocks of standard butter, Danielle finds herself in the Neonatal Intensive …


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