PRESENTING: The 100 Most Influential Tech People On Twitter

Twitter: The go-to spot to stay informed and up to date on all things tech. Where a glance at 140 characters can change your perspective. 


We asked PeerIndex to rank for us the most influential people in tech on Twitter. PeerIndex assigns each user a score of 0-100 by analyzing the speed and quantity with which users spot and share their tweets. We've included both the overall PI ranking for each tweeter, as well as the specific PI ranking among Twitter users in the tech community.

evelyn rusli
Evelyn Rusli of the Wall Street Journal - one of Twiter's most influential tech tweeters. Evelyn Rusli

Follow away!


100. Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch

Occupation: CEO/founder of News Corporation; Creator of FOX Broadcasting

Handle: @rupertmurdoch

Why: See how tech fits into the greater news cycle from Rupert himself. Yeah, he writes his own tweets.

Tech PI: 83

PI: 86


99. Zeynep Tufekci


Occupation: Assistant professor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill with her own tech site at

Handle: @zeynep

Why: Catch Zeynep's musings on everything ranging from international Web policies to  social justice.

Tech PI: 84

PI: 77


98. Hilary Mason

Hilary Mason

Occupation: Data Scientist in Residence at Accel, Scientist Emeritus at bitly, co-founder of HackNY, co-host of DataGotham, and member of NYCResistor

Handle: @hmason

Why: Hilary is on top of the chatter when it comes to today's tech news.

Tech PI: 84

PI: 77


97. Jim Dalrymple

Jim Dalrymple

Occupation: Editor in Chief of LoopInsight

Handle: @jdalrymple

Why: Dalrymple has got some great Apple connections and is regarded as almost never wrong about what is going to happen next at Apple.

Tech PI: 84

PI: 78


96. Keith Rabois

Keith Rabois
Fortune Live Media via Flickr

Occupation: Tech entrepreneur, executive, and investor

Handle: @rabois

Why: This heavy tweeter will point you to key articles and insights on the startup VC world along with some occasional sports wisdom mixed in. And he's super smart.

Tech PI: 84

PI: 80


95. Bill Gurley

bill gurley benchmark
Bill Burley, Benchmark Capital TechCrunch via Flickr

Occupation: General Partner at Benchmark Capital

Handle: @bgurley

Why: Listen up for updates on the VC, investments, merger world. He's pretty smart too.

Tech PI: 84

PI: 83


94. Kontra


Occupation: Veteran design and management surgeon

Handle: @counternotions

Why: Kontra's random thoughts will always keep you on your toes. And it's pretty good at stoking Apple/Google debates.

Tech PI: 85

PI: 76


93. Evelyn Rusli

evelyn rusli
Evelyn Rusli

Occupation: Tech reporter for Wall Street Journal

Handle: @EvelynRusli

Why: Rusli has a fun, casual look at the industry and gives you the scoop on acquisitions.

Tech PI: 85

PI: 76


92. Jeff Weiner

LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner

Occupation: CEO of LinkedIn

Handle: @jeffweiner

Why: So that you don't have to search through LinkedIn to find interesting articles. He also knows everyone in Silicon Valley and tweets with them.

Tech PI: 85

PI: 77


91. Emily Chang

Emily Chang
Bloomberg TV

Occupation: Host of Bloomberg West

Handle: @emilychangtv

Why: Stay up to date with Bloomberg's coverage of the big guys in tech.

Tech PI: 85

PI: 78


90. Tristan Walker

Tristan Walker

Occupation: Founder/CEO of Walker & Company

Handle: @tristanwalker

Why: Learn about his newest ventures along with some lighthearted commentary on Uber, Square and more. He puts a positive spin on the often negative Twitter banter.

Tech PI: 85

PI: 85


89. Kathy Sierra

Kathy Sierra

Occupation: Web developer, author and blogger 

Handle: @seriouspony

Why: She gets user experience. Nuff said.

Tech PI: 86

PI: 68


88. Brooke Hammerling

Brooke Hammerling Brew Headshot
Brew PR

Occupation: Founder of Brew Media Relations

Handle: @brooke

Why: A melting pot of random topics, but she seems to know everyone in tech.

Tech PI: 86

PI: 75


87. Rafat Ali

Rafat Ali

Occupation: CEO/Founder of Skift; Founder, paidContent

Handle: @rafat

Why: For his interesting and inspiring take on tech, media, consumer electronics, and whatever else he finds fascinating.

Tech PI: 86

PI: 77


86. Gabe Rivera

gabe rivera
Techmeme founder Gabe Rivera Gabe Rivera

Occupation: Founder of Techmeme

Handle: @gaberivera

Why: He runs Techmeme. And he's funny.

Tech PI: 86

PI: 78


85. Baratunde Thurston

Baratunde Thurston
AOL's "The One"

Occupation: CEO/co-founder of Cultivated Wit

Handle: @baratunde

Why: He brings his Onion humor to the startup conversation.

Tech PI: 86

PI: 86


84. Ben Bajarin

ben bajarin
Ben Bajarin

Occupation: Tech analyst at Creative Strategies; Founder of Tech.pinions

Handle: @benbajarin

Why: For his smart insights on Apple and other tech stuff.

Tech PI: 87

PI: 66


83. Rory Cellan-Jones

Rory Cellan-Jones

Occupation: BBC's Technology Correspondent

Handle: @BBCRoryCJ

Why: Sometimes it's nice to learn a bit about tech from outside the U.S.

Tech PI: 87

PI: 80


82. Mat Honan

mat honan

Occupation: Senior writer at Wired

Handle: @mat

Why: For a laugh, or maybe a just a chuckle. This guy is one great tech writer.

Tech PI: 87

PI: 81


81. Alexia Tsotsis

alexia tsotsis

Occupation: Co-Editor at TechCrunch

Handle: @alexia

Why: Her clever comments pair nicely with interesting retweets on all things tech related.

Tech PI: 87

PI: 83


80. Sarah Lacy

Sarah Lacy

Occupation: Founder and editor-in-chief of PandoDaily

Handle: @sarahcuda

Why: She's got the scoop on Silicon Valley startups.

Tech PI: 87

PI: 83


79. Dennis Crowley

dennis crowley party 18
Flickr / dpstyles

Occupation: Co-founder of Dodgeball and Foursquare

Handle: @dens

Why: For the 411 on Foursquare and some other kooky ideas in tech. Get a look at the human side of this CEO.

Tech PI: 87

PI: 85


78. Dan Primack

Dan Primack
Dan Primack

Occupation: Senior Editor at

Handle: @danprimack

Why: Dan has the news, especially when it comes to VCs, IPOs, and acquisitions.

Tech PI: 88

PI: 76


77. Joanna Stern

joanna stern

Occupation: Wall Street Journal Personal Technology Columnist

Handle: @joannastern

Why: Joanna's got consumer electronics explained- everything from Cortana to HTC One to tablets.

Tech PI: 88

PI: 78


76. Steve Silberman

Steve Silberman

Occupation: Investigative reporter for Wired

Handle: @stevesilberman

Why: Great conversations about health and science.

Tech PI: 88

PI: 80


75. Peter Kafka

Peter Kafka
Peter Kafka

Occupation: Senior Editor at Re/code

Handle: @pkafka

Why: His sarcastic take on the tech world.

Tech PI: 88

PI: 82


74. Andy Ihnatko

Andy Ihnatko
Andy Ihnatko

Occupation: Chicago Sun-Times technology columnist 

Handle: @Ihnatko

Why: A behind-the-scenes look at apps and consumer electronics.

Tech PI: 88

PI: 83


73. Rand Fishkin

rand fishkin SEOmoz
Moz's Rand Fishkin is stepping down from his post as CEO. Vertical Measures

Occupation: Founder of Moz

Handle: @randfish

Why: Great advice for SEO and other tech stuff.

Tech PI: 88

PI: 86


72. Geoff DeWeaver

Geoff DeWeaver

Occupation: CEO of Touchpoint Entertainment

Handle: @geoff_deweaver

Why: Geoff aggregates lots and lots of articles on tech into one place.

Tech PI: 88

PI: 89


71. Marissa Mayer

marissa mayer
Mario Tama/Getty Images

Occupation: President/CEO of Yahoo

Handle: @marissamayer

Why: Marissa will definitely not flood your Twitter feed, but she will reveal some important Yahoo news when she does decide to tweet.

Tech PI: 88

PI: 89


70. Ryan Hoover

Ryan Hoover

Occupation: Co-Creator of Product Hunt; Creator of Startup Edition

Handle: @rrhoover

Why: Get a younger voice on the industry.

Tech PI: 89

PI: 66


69. Martin Bryant

Martin Bryant

Occupation: Editor-in-Chief at The Next Web; TechHub Manchester co-founder

Handle: @MartinSFP

Why: Learn about the intersection of technology and the media.

Tech PI: 89

PI: 73


68. Joel Gascoigne

Joel Gascoigne

Occupation: Founder/CEO at Buffer

Handle: @joelgascoigne

Why: Gain some helpful tips for UX and company culture.

Tech PI: 89

PI: 75


67. Christopher Mims

christopher mims
Christopher Mims

Occupation: Technology and science editor for Quartz

Handle: @mims

Why: Random but interesting facts about tech.

Tech PI: 89

PI: 76


66. Nilay Patel

nilay patel

Occupation: Acting Managing Editor of Vox

Handle: @reckless

Why: Nilay shares progressive, smart thoughts about tech and media and Facebook and Vox and...

Tech PI: 89

PI: 77


65. Christopher Soghoian

Christopher Soghoian

Occupation: Principal Technologist and Senior Policy Analyst with the ACLU

Handle: @csoghoian

Why: Better understand the intersection of technology and security.

Tech PI: 89

PI: 78


64. Lance Ulanoff

Lance Ulanoff

Occupation: Chief Correspondent and Editor-at-Large of Mashable

Handle: @LanceUlanoff

Why: A broad look at all things tech.

Tech PI: 89

PI: 79


63. Bill Gross

Bill Gross

Occupation: Founder of Technology Incubator Idealab

Handle: @Bill_Gross

Why: Feel like you're at tech conferences with Bill's live tweeting.

Tech PI: 89

PI: 80


62. Chris Dixon

Chris Dixon

Occupation: Internet entrepreneur and investor; co-founder of Hunch

Handle: @cdixon

Why: Find interesting links, often related to Bitcoin and mobile. Dixon is one of the savviest people in tech.

Tech PI: 89

PI: 81


61. Ruhani Rabin

Ruhani Rabin

Occupation: Senior Vice President of Product at Friendster

Handle: @ruhanirabin

Why: Access to an endless amount of links along with some random quotes.

Tech PI: 89

PI: 82


60. Bryan Kramer

Bryan Kramer

Occupation: CEO of PureMatter

Handle: @bryankramer

Why: A perspective on content and media.

Tech PI: 89

PI: 82


59. Joshua Topolsky

Joshua Topolsky 400x300

Occupation: Editor-in-chief of The Verge

Handle: @joshuatopolsky

Why: Juicy scoops like the Android TV launch and some of the best articles from The Verge.

Tech PI: 89

PI: 83


58. Charles Arthur

charles arthur the guardian

Occupation: The Guardian's Technology editor

Handle: @charlesarthur

Why: Be in the know about free data, transparency, and social networks. This guy is super smart.

Tech PI: 89

PI: 83


57. Marco Arment

marco arment instapaper

Occupation: Co-founder of Tumblr; creator of Instapaper

Handle: @marcoarment

Why: A behind-the-scenes look at developing and building apps.

Tech PI: 89

PI: 84


56. David Pogue

david pogue

Occupation: Columnist for Yahoo Tech and Scientific American; host of science shows on PBS’s “NOVA”

Handle: @Pogue

Why: Stay up to date with the help of this goofy forerunner of tech news.

Tech PI: 89

PI: 89


55. Kevin Rose

Kevin Rose
Kevin Rose / Google+

Occupation: Partner at Google Ventures; Board member at Tony Hawk Foundation; Founder of Digg and Revision3

Handle: @kevinrose

Why: Find out about up and coming startups like Buttercoin and Wealthfront. And maybe catch up on some San Fran controversies.

Tech PI: 89

PI: 90


54. Steve Case

Steve Case

Occupation: Co-founder of AOL; Chairman of Case Foundation and Revolution 

Handle: @SteveCase

Why: Read up on the intersection of politics and technology and Steve's random nuggets of wisdom.

Tech PI: 89

PI: 90


53. Chris Sacca

chris sacca

Occupation: Venture investor in Twitter and other companies; At Lowercase Capital

Handle: @sacca

Why: He'll teach you a bit about new cool tech projects and inventions. Sacca's one of the most active and entertaining personalities on Twitter.

Tech PI: 89

PI: 92


52. Jon Russel

Jon Russel

Occupation: Asia Editor at The Next Web

Handle: @jonrussell

Why: Be in the loop with tech in Asia.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 72


51. Chris Ziegler

Chris Ziegler

Occupation: Deputy Managing Editor of The Verge

Handle: @zpower

Why: He's all over tech and the media.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 75


50. Mike Isaac

Mike Isaac

Occupation: Senior Editor at Re/code

Handle: @mikeisaac

Why: A light-hearted take on all sorts of nonsense, with the occasional bit of tech. And he's always favorating tweets.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 76


49. Paul Haddad

paul haddad tapbots tweetbot
Via Paul Haddad

Occupation: The programmer behind Tweetbot

Handle: @tapbot_paul

Why: Get in on Paul's fancy code and developer talk.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 77


48. Mark Gurman

mark gurman 9to5mac senior editor
Mark Gurman

Occupation: Senior Editor at

Handle: @markgurman

Why: Be the first to hear about Apple news.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 77


47. Ed Bott

Ed Bott

Occupation: Tech reporter at ZDNet and author of the Windows Inside Out series from Microsoft

Handle: @edbott

Why: Ed covers some interesting OS stuff, with a lot of love for Microsoft.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 79


46. Horace Dediu

horace dediu asymco

Occupation: Founder and author of; industry analyst with focus on phones

Handle: @asymco

Why: Horace is in the know when it comes to Apple's financials and the mobile landscape in general.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 79


45. Mary Jo Foley

Mary Jo Foley

Occupation: Tech reporter for ZDNet

Handle: @maryjofoley

Why: Learn about all things Microsoft related.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 81


44. Mike Butcher

Mike Butcher

Occupation: Editor-At-Large  of TechCrunch; Co-founder of TechHub, Coadec, and TheEuropas

Handle: @mikebutcher

Why: Tech updates from the other side of the pond.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 81


43. Rene Ritchie

rene ritchie

Occupation: Editor-in-chief of; Executive producer for broadcasting

Handle: @reneritchie

Why: Get your fix for news on iPhone, iPod, iPad, and phones in general. Rene's got the scoop on Apple.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 81


42. Hiten Shah

Hiten Shah

Occupation: Co-founder/President of KISSmetrics and Crazy Egg

Handle: @hnshah

Why: Hiten looks at the human in tech.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 83


41. Marc Benioff

Marc Benioff CEO Marc Benioff

Occupation: Founder/Chairman.CEO of

Handle: @Benioff

Why: Lots and lots of retweets and some insider Salesforce news.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 83


40. Tom Merritt

tom merritt
Tom Merritt

Occupation: Host of Tech News Today

Handle: @acedtect

Why: For an interesting look back at tech through the ages. He also gets today's tech, don't worry.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 83


39. Kim Dotcom

Kim Dotcom
via Kim Dotcom

Occupation: Founder of Megaupload

Handle: @KimDotcom

Why: Right now you'll get to hear a lot about Kim's side on movie piracy. 

Tech PI: 90

PI: 84


38. Brad Feld

Brad Feld

Occupation: VC at Foundry Group

Handle: @bfeld

Why: Learn about new startups and investment updates, especially in Boulder.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 84


37. Loic Le Meur

Seesmic founder Loic Le Meur

Occupation: Founder/CEO of Seesmic; Founder/CEO  of LeWeb conference

Handle: @loic

Why: Loic blends mindfulness with new tech projects and startups.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 84


36. David Heinemeier Hansson

Occupation: Creator of Ruby on Rails; Founder/CTO at Basecamp 

Handle: @DHH

Why: David looks into the flaws in the tech world.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 85


35. Mark Suster

mark suster
Business Insider

Occupation: Angel investor and investment partner at Upfront Ventures

Handle: @msuster

Why: Really helpful for someone just starting a company. He also has some really interesting opinions about the big stuff in tech.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 85


34. Chris Pirillo

chris pirillo
Wikimedia Commons

Occupation: Founder/CEO of LockerGnome

Handle: @ChrisPirillo

Why: For random tech tips on things like clouds and computers.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 86


33. Fred Wilson

fred wilson
Brian Ach/Getty Images

Occupation: Co-founder of Union Square Ventures

Handle: @fredwilson

Why: For expert advice on getting backing for your company and other useful tech thoughts. This guy is one of the most important people in tech.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 86


32. Matt Cutts

Matt Cutts, Google
GoogleWebmasterHelp via YouTube

Occupation: Head of Google's webspam team

Handle: @mattcutts

Why: You know, in case you wanted to know what was going on at Google.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 87


31. Arianna Huffington

arianna huffington careers interview business insider
William Wei, Business Insider

Occupation: Chair, president, and editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post Media Group

Handle: @ariannahuff

Why: For general words of wisdom on issues of health, gender equality, and some occasional tech.

Tech PI: 90

PI: 92


30. Tom Warren

Tom Warren

Occupation: Senior Reporter at The Verge; Founder of WinRumors

Handle: @tomwarren

Why: Tom keeps you informed about Microsoft news and reviews.

Tech PI: 91

PI: 75


29. Alex Wilhelm

Alex Wilhelm

Occupation: Writer at TechCrunch

Handle: @alex

Why: He retweets a lot of other people on this list, consolidating all the influence into one account.

Tech PI: 91

PI: 79


28. Paul Thurrott

Paul Thurrott

Occupation: Senior technical analyst for Windows IT Pro; News editor for Paul Thurrott's SuperSite for Windows and Windows IT Pro magazine

Handle: @thurrott

Why: For lots of Windows info.

Tech PI: 91

PI: 83


27. Farhad Manjoo

farhad manjoo
New America Foundation/Flickr

Occupation: Tech columnist for The New York Times

Handle: @fmanjoo

Why: He covers all things tech from Samsung to Bitcoin to UI. He tweets out some great links.

Tech PI: 91

PI: 83


26. Scott Hanselman

Scott Hanselman

Occupation: On the Web Platform Team at Microsoft

Handle: @shanselman

Why: Scott throws together insight on Microsoft and coding.

Tech PI: 91

PI: 84


25. Tim Cook

tim cook apple

Occupation: CEO of Apple

Handle: @tim_cook

Why: Tim's not the most frequent tweeter, but he does share some interesting input on Apple issues.

Tech PI: 91

PI: 85


24. MG Siegler

mg siegler

Occupation: Partner at Google Ventures

Handle: @parislemon

Why: For news on the big guys: Apple, Google, Microsoft... He has an opinion on everything tech.

Tech PI: 91

PI: 86


23. Dave McClure

dave mcclure

Occupation: Venture capitalist and founding partner at 500 Startups

Handle: @davemcclure

Why: For insight on startups and acquisitions.

Tech PI: 91

PI: 88


22. Danny Sullivan

Danny Sullivan

Occupation: Founding Editor of Marketing Land and Search Engine Land

Handle: @dannysullivan

Why: For tech's applications in digital and search marketing. He just gets Google.

Tech PI: 91

PI: 89


21. Chris Hadfield

chris hadfield

Occupation: A retired Canadian astronaut 

Handle: @Cmdr_Hadfield

Why: If you're interested in outer space and astronauts.

Tech PI: 91

PI: 90


20. Kara Swisher

Kara Swisher

Occupation: Re/code Co-Executive Editor

Handle: @karaswisher

Why: For lots and lots of tech thoughts and links. She is always breaking news.

Tech PI: 91

PI: 92


19. Tim O'Reily

Tim O'Reily

Occupation: Founder/CEO of O'Reilly Media

Handle: @timoreilly

Why: For a take on how tech and government mix.

Tech PI: 91

PI: 93


18. Hunter Walk

Hunter Walk

Occupation: Partner at Homebrew VC; Former YouTube employee

Handle: @hunterwalk

Why: Hunter delves into new startups as well as the big stuff in tech. And he is often retweeted by the people in this list.

Tech PI: 92

PI: 82


17. Paul Graham

paul graham

Occupation: Co-founder of Viaweb and Y Combinator

Handle: @paulg

Why: For advice on starting a company and approaching VCs. He's a pretty big deal in tech.

Tech PI: 92

PI: 83


16. Dave Winer

dave winer

Occupation: Founder/CEO of Small Picture, Inc; Developed the first blogging software, RSS and podcasting, outliners, web CMS

Handle: @davewiner

Why: Because he basically pioneered weblogs and syndication.

Tech PI: 92

PI: 84


15. Nick Bilton

nick bilton money
Illustration: Ellis Hamburger

Occupation: Technology and business columnist at the New York Times

Handle: @nickbilton

Why: For fascinating insight on everything tech-related. He's one of the leading voices in the industry.

Tech PI: 92

PI: 86


14. Jim Roberts

Jim Roberts

Occupation: Executive editor/Chief content officer of Mashable

Handle: @nycjim

Why: He points you to the best Mashable links.

Tech PI: 92

PI: 87


13. Marc Andreessen

Marc Andreesen
AP Images

Occupation: Co-founder of Andreessen Horowitz

Handle: @pmarca

Why: For Andreessen's take on startups and investing.

Tech PI: 92

PI: 88


12. Walt Mossberg

walt mossberg

Occupation: Co-Executive Editor, reviewer and columnist for Re/code

Handle: @waltmossberg

Why: For a lot of Re/code links...

Tech PI: 92

PI: 89


11. Ezra Klein

ezra klein
Ezra Klein MSNBC screengrab via Real Clear Politics

Occupation: Editor-in-chief of

Handle: @ezraklein

Why: Right now Ezra is all about Vox and explaining the news.

Tech PI: 92

PI: 90


10. Anil Dash

Anil Dash 400x300

Occupation: Co-founder of ThinkUp and Activate; Director of Public Technology Incubator Expert Labs

Handle: @anildash

Why: Anil dishes on whatever's on his mind, and it's almost always interesting. And he gets the startup scene.

Tech PI: 92

PI: 91


9. Bill Gates

bill gates
Stephen Brashear / Getty

Occupation: Founder, technology advisor, and board member of Microsoft Corporation

Handle: @BillGates

Why: Nowadays Gates mainly tweets about philanthropy, social justice, and poverty, so this could be a nice way to step out of the tech bubble for a bit.

Tech PI: 92

PI: 95


8. Benedict Evans

Benedict Evans

Occupation: Partner at Andreessen Horowitz

Handle: @BenedictEvans

Why: For your mobile fix and some key retweets. He offers thoughtful insight in general.

Tech PI: 93

PI: 78


7. Mathew Ingram

Mathew Ingram

Occupation: Senior writer at Gigaom

Handle: @mathewi

Why: He retweets most of the people on this list and is in the know about all things tech.

Tech PI: 93

PI: 87


6. Elon Musk

Elon Musk Hyperloop Portrait Illustration
Mike Nudelman/Business Insider

Occupation: CEO/CTO of SpaceX; CEO/Chief Product Architect of Tesla Motors

Handle: @elonmusk

Why: For the latest updates on Tesla and SpaceX from the guy who has all the information. He's one of those fairly unguarded CEOs on Twitter.

Tech PI: 93

PI: 88


5. Robert Scoble

robert scoble
Flickr / Affilate

Occupation: Rackspace's Startup Liaison Officer

Handle: @Scobleizer

Why: Amidst lots of retweets, Scoble muses on Glass, clouds, and tech in general.

Tech PI: 93

PI: 90


4. Om Malik

om malik

Occupation: Partner at True Ventures; Founder of Gigaom

Handle: @om

Why: He has an interesting opinion on everything tech from social media to clouds to mobile. He both breaks news and gives key analysis on the day's stories.

Tech PI: 93

PI: 92


3. Aaron Levie

Aaron Levie

Occupation: Co-founder/CEO of Box

Handle: @levie

Why: Levie is on top of all the big news from Microsoft, Apple, Facebook... He's one of those funny tweeters with shticky tech messages and inspirational quotes.

Tech PI: 94

PI: 77


2. Jeremiah Owyang

 Jeremiah Owyang

Occupation: Chief Catalyst/Founder at Crowd Companies

Handle: @jowyang

Why: Owyang looks at how tech fits into the broader economics conversation.

Tech PI: 94

PI: 86


1. Jack Dorsey

Jack Dorsey Twitter Square Portrait Illustration
Mike Nudelman/Business Insider

Occupation: Co-founder of Twitter; founder/CEO of Square

Handle: @jack

Why: For a look at the future of mobile commerce. Oh yeah, and he invented Twitter.

Tech PI: 94

PI: 93


Looking for more people to follow on Twitter?

evelyn rusli
Evelyn Rusli

PRESENTING: The 100 Tech People You Have To Follow On Twitter >>

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