There’s More to Landscape Photography Than Just Taking Pictures

Landscape photographer Thomas Heaton has some guidance on the inspirations that go hand-in-hand with his line of work. For anyone struggling to find or rekindle passion for creating landscape masterpieces, he offers strong words on failure and determination for every photographer. Watch his video below to hear what he has to say about the concept of landscape photography and how it’s bigger than just finding the perfect shot:

According to Heaton, gratitude is the main idea behind landscape photography and will always be there regardless of how your photos turn out. In this video, he used a Canon 5D Mark III camera, a Phantom 4 drone, and a GoPro 4 Silver to capture the scenery and aerial shots. Amazing landscape images are hard to come by, but a beautiful scene is beautiful no matter what equipment is used to shoot it. The most important part is that we are out hiking, camping, and exploring the world around us to see the endless sights it has to offer.

landscape photographer explore create

Be the first person out for the sunrise and the last one home after the sunset. Embrace the drive and passion that comes with traveling, waiting and adjusting to find that unique perspective in your work. There is no such thing as failure for photographers who set out with a camera and an acknowledgment that every small detail is part of a landscape larger than life and photography. Venture out into the unknown and enjoy the process that goes into creating inspiring work for yourself and others. Above all, landscape photography is more than taking an image; it’s a way of life.

“We are not content with a nice view. We need the best view.”

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One response to “There’s More to Landscape Photography Than Just Taking Pictures”

  1. J. Ross says:


    I enjoyed your video and your blog posts as well. I want to thank you for taking the time to share your skills with other photography enthusiasts.

    In this post you use the quote: “We are not content with a nice view. We need the best view.”

    Is this your original quote? If not, would you know the appropriate attribution? I would like to use it in a post of my own. Thanks again!

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