MandarinStudio shared a photo from Flipboard

荡·芦苇@Reeds·Swinging [遇见]《江邊閒步》[宋] 孟貫 閒來南渡口,迤邐看不楓。 一路波濤畔,數家蘆葦中。 遠汀排晚樹,深浦漾寒鴻。 吟罷慵回顧首,此情誰與同。 另:观《Inferno (但丁密码)》 一部以密码为幌子的佛罗伦萨观光片,惊悚悬疑的设置无新意;兰登头部重伤失忆,一醒来就开始狂奔猛跑,神!

MandarinStudio Via Flipboard
This image was shared from Flipboard, a fast, beautiful way to flip through the news, photos and updates your friends are sharing on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Google+ and Instagram.
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