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Michelle Harris

Social Media Manager - Love Tech - Early Adopter - Gamer - Friend 







  • SAVORTEX®, Like Apple Encouraging Smart Hand Hygiene
    What is Smart Hand Hygiene?

    Are you washing your hands for the full 20 seconds? How can you be sure?

    Tech companies such as Apple and SAVORTEX® are encouraging smart hand hygiene using smart tech to reassure you, building owners and managers, just how essential smart hand hygiene techniques are. https://www.savortex.com/savortex-apple-encouraging-smart-hand-hygiene/

    Avatar - Michelle Harris
    Michelle Harris
  • SAVORTEX®, Like Apple Encouraging Smart Hand Hygiene
    What is Smart Hand Hygiene?

    Are you washing your hands for the full 20 seconds? How can you be sure?

    Tech companies such as Apple and SAVORTEX® are encouraging smart hand hygiene using smart tech to reassure you, building owners and managers, just how essential smart hand hygiene techniques are. https://www.savortex.com/savortex-apple-encouraging-smart-hand-hygiene/

    Avatar - Michelle Harris
    Michelle Harris
  • British hand-hygiene technology manufacturer SAVORTEX® partners with tech giants Arm Pelion and launches the first Smart hand sanitiser which has the ability to report users who do not sanitise their hands as a hygiene risk and deny access if required, to make buildings safer. https://www.savortex.com/savortex-partners-with-arm-to-make-buildings-safer-with-smart-sanitiser/

    Avatar - Michelle Harris
    Michelle Harris
  • Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic the WHO and the GOV. sites have been continually advising everyone that washing hands is the best line of defence against coronavirus. Hand drying is also vital in the prevention of spreading the COVID19 virus. Even better is Data Driven Hand Hygiene!

    Drying your hands correctly is just as important as washing your hands. Wet or moist hands can breed and spread germs more easily. https://www.savortex.com/data-driven-hand-hygiene-the-best-line-of-defence-against-coronavirus/

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    Michelle Harris
  • Facebook-owned WhatsApp have announced that 8 people can now take part in video chat and many people are now asking me How to add 8 People to WhatsApp Video Calls. Whatsapp has not long had video calling and it was restricted to just four people on camera at one time.

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    Michelle Harris
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  • Twitter is launching voice tweets, at last! We have been on about this for years. So I thought I’d do a quick post about How to Tweet with your Voice.

    Twitter has started rolling out audio tweets on iOS already and it will probably come to Android but no one has mentioned that yet. It also seems that they are keeping it very limited right now – I think because this is a test to see how it goes really. They have to start somewhere.

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