MatthewDimasi shared a photo from Flipboard

Now I already talked about before how technology has changed in general but I haven’t really gone into specific things. This article will be mainly about phones. Now if you take a little look at the picture below you will see 2 things, one you have probably seen a million times and two something you may have actually never seen before. These two things would be an iPhone and a rotary phone both used for communication purposes at different eras of time. The first types of phones that were invented were rotary phones where you would spin the dial in the centre of the phone to begin dialing a number, this goes back to the 1970’s/80’s. Now the iPhone uses an LED screen (or OLED if you have the newest iPhone model ) and has the user make touch gestures to call someone but not only can you call someone but you can also listen to music and movies,download apps and even video call! Essentially the phone has gone from a simple means of communication to a media centre.

MatthewDimasi Via Flipboard
This image was shared from Flipboard, a fast, beautiful way to flip through the news, photos and updates your friends are sharing on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Google+ and Instagram.
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