
Browser Tip: Find the Time Anywhere in the World

clock time

There are several cool tricks you can do with Google and Bing. The one we want to show you here is you can find the time anywhere in the world with a quick search.

There are several cool tricks you can do with Google and Bing. The one we want to show you here is you can find the time anywhere in the world with a quick search. In a world increasingly reliant on remote or hybrid work scenarios, it can be crucial to know what time it is in other time zones. After all, if you’re going to schedule a video conference with people from different parts of the globe, it’s important to know what the time differences are.

How to Find World Times Using Google

If you’re a Google user, type: time: (name of the location you want to know the time for). The results are displayed at the top.

find time anywhere in the world using google

How to Find the Time Somewhere Else in the World Using Bing

Finding the time somewhere else in the world using Bing works much the same way. From the Bing webpage, type: time in (the name of the location you want to know the time of). The results are displayed at the top.

Like Google, Bing displays the current time in your selected location. It also provides the time in other time zones that may be nearby. As you can see, though, the clock in Bing is a more elegant than Google’s.

find time anywhere in the world using bing

This is a simple tip but comes in handy if you need to know the time somewhere quickly.



  1. holdum333

    August 23, 2016 at 8:42 pm

    Hey Brian! I read all your blogs my friend. I appreciate you!

    • Brian Burgess

      August 26, 2016 at 11:23 am


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