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Carfax is an organization that tracks the history of every vehicle based on its Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), the information of which can be helpful when you buy a used car. If you have the VIN of a particular vehicle manufactured as early as 1981, you can purchase a Carfax report that provides you with information regarding the vehicle's title and registration history, accident history, service history, and more. Although in most cases you are required to pay a fee to obtain a Carfax report, there are several methods of obtaining a Carfax report on a particular vehicle for free.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Obtain free Carfax reports directly from the dealership

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  1. Most car dealerships have a subscription account with Carfax that allows them to provide you with free Carfax reports on all their used vehicles for sale.
    • Contact the car dealership before you visit their salesroom to verify that they provide free Carfax reports.
    • Ask a representative from the car dealership for a free Carfax report on the vehicle you are considering to buy.
  2. Many car dealerships will provide direct links to free Carfax reports on their websites.
    • Access the section of the car dealership's website that features used cars. In most cases, links for free Carfax reports will be embedded onto the website next to descriptions and pictures of used cars for sale.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Obtain free Carfax reports from the Carfax website

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  1. Click on the Carfax link provided in the Sources section of this article, then click on "Find a Car" at the top of your session.
  2. Enter the criteria for the used vehicle you want to buy, such as the year, make, and model, then enter your zip or postal code. Designate whether you want to view search results for used cars that have only had one previous owner ("Show only Carfax 1-Owner Vehicles"), then click on the "Search" button. You will then be provided with a list of used cars being sold by used car dealerships in your area based on the criteria you entered.
  3. Click on "View FREE Carfax Report" below the used vehicle description to view the history of any used car displayed on the website.
    • The first report is typically free. For additional ones, you can check the price on the Carfax website (it should be around $40).
  4. If you're not sure the make and model you are searching for, visit the Carfax website at From the "Carfax for Dealers" link at the bottom of your session, you can enter your zip code within the "Check your Competition" field to see locations that provide Carfax reports.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    I am interested in buying a car by paying off the balance owed by the seller. Can this be done by going with them to the bank or should I go to the DMV with them?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You need to go to the bank to pay off the balance and receive the title. The bank will receive your certified check, and when it clears, they will release the title to you.
  • Question
    Do I need a VIN number or a license plate number to get a Carfax report?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You need the VIN number.
  • Question
    Does a Carfax report provide information on the previous owner of a vehicle?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, it just tells you how many owners, and if the car was owned personally, by a rental company or was a company car.
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  • If a car dealership or vehicle website provides free Carfax reports, but some links to free Carfax reports are missing for particular vehicles, it is possible that the dealership has not run recent Carfax reports for those vehicles. Contact the website or dealership directly to obtain the free Carfax report for that particular vehicle.
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  • If a car dealership or private seller is unwilling to provide you with a vehicle's Carfax report, it may be because some states (such as Oregon) do not allow auto dealers to offer any "free" products or services to their customers to help sell a car. In this case, you may want to consider paying the required fees for a Carfax report before buying the vehicle in question.

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About This Article

Bryan Hamby
Co-authored by:
Professional Auto Broker
This article was co-authored by Bryan Hamby. Bryan Hamby is the owner of Auto Broker Club, a trusted auto brokerage in Los Angeles, California. He founded Auto Broker Club in 2014 out of a passion for cars and a unique talent for customizing the car dealership process to be on the buyer’s side. With 1,400+ deals closed, and a 90% customer retention rate, Bryan’s focus is to simplify the car buying experience through transparency, fair pricing, and world class customer service. This article has been viewed 1,431,666 times.
5 votes - 0%
Co-authors: 38
Updated: May 4, 2023
Views: 1,431,666
Article SummaryX

To get a Carfax for free, go to the car dealership's website and find the used car you're interested in. Then, look for a link to the free Carfax report near the provided description and photos of the vehicle. If you don't have a particular vehicle in mind, you can still find free Carfax reports for different used cars by visiting the Carfax website. Once you're there, just search for the kind of car you want and then click on the "View Free Carfax Report" button next to a vehicle. To learn how to access a list of dealerships in your area that offer free Carfax reports, scroll down!

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  • Mike Thomas

    Mike Thomas

    May 12, 2017

    "Great instructions how to quickly and easily access up to 8 free reports. Report contained much more information..." more
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