How to Get Everything—From Your Desk to Your Work Life—Organized in 2017

Living an organized life has the power to save you time and energy, increase your productivity, and just plain make you happier.
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The key to success next year might just be getting organized. And it's not just about order. Living an organized life has the power to save you time and energy, increase your productivity, and just plain make you happier. But where to start? With these seven expert-approved tips, of course, that will help you get everything from your home's entryway to your files and your purse organized next year.

Tip 1: Add a paper recycling system at your front door. That Express coupon you received does you no good if you can't find it in the massive mail pile before you hit the store. But by adding a paper recycling station at your front door, you can dispose of unwanted mail when you read it, plus the envelopes from the pieces you want to keep, says Jeanie Engelbach, professional organizer and founder of apartmentjeanie. "This stops the piling up of unread mail and trash," Engelbach says.

Tip 2: Automate your bills. You may have cleared the clutter by going paperless. But if you're not organized when it comes to your bills, you could miss payments—and that can lead to all kinds of financial disorder, such as accruing interest and even lowering your credit score. The easiest way to organize your bills, says Elle Kaplan, finance expert and owner of LexION Capital, is to automate payments for everything from your 401k to your gym membership. "You won’t only avoid missed payments, but you’ll also notice and trim down unnecessary bills," Kaplan says.

Tip 3: Start journaling. The best way to organize your thoughts, says life coach Stacia Pierce, is to keep a daily journal. "Many people keep things in their head and have a cluttered mind of missed appointments, deadlines, nagging to-do items and so much more," she says. But by organizing your thoughts into a journal, you'll have a clear head. To do it, sit down at the end of the day and "write down every thought that comes to mind for about 10 minutes," Pierce says. "Then go back and review what you’ve written. Organize your thoughts in a list form and add action steps so that you can complete the task."

Tip 4: Have a consistent naming convention. You know you saved that document somewhere. But with moments to go before you need to print it for a meeting, you can't find it. Solve this organizational problem by naming all your documents the same way every time you hit save, says Foram Sheth, Ama La Vida cofounder and coach, who adds that her naming recommendation is topic-title-date-version. That control-F search will be so much easier when you know what you're looking for.

Tip 5: Empty your handbag when you return home. If you switch purses often, you may find that you've left behind your favorite lip balm—or worse, your wallet—only after you've left the house. But if you add a small tray to your entry way, you can get in the habit of emptying your purse when you walk in the door, making it easier to repack another the next time you make a swap, says Engelbach. She adds that keeping a small pouch for essentials, such as hand sanitizer and tissues, keeps clutter at bay from your entry and your purse.

Tip 6: Strip down your budget. It can feel impossible to organize your budget. But, "getting your budget in perfect order will free up your money to achieve better and greater things," says Kaplan. Get your budget in tip-top shape by stripping its categories down to just three—wants, needs, and financial betterment. With this simplistic view, it's easy to go back in and trim the fat. "Trimming the wants section can be the difference between digging yourself into debt and watching your wealth grow," Kaplan says.

Tip 7: Optimize your to-do list. When you walk into work, you may write out a to-do list. But how you organize it can impact your work efficiency. Sheth recommends categorizing tasks by how much effort they require. Then slate tasks that require strategic thinking for when you're at your best—whether that’s in the morning, after a workout, or after you’ve had your coffee—and leave mindless work for when you know you'll be run down.