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Shane Koyczan & The Short Story Long Shoulders By Shane Koyczan Begins as a soft tale of a young boys understanding of the world and its balance Why is the sky blue? Who chose blue? Why do men have nipple? As the story move along Koyczan Brings in the Concepts of Mythology and two stories of Atlas. One of which teaches us that the burden of Atlas is more of a responsibility. He the speaks of his grandmother teaching him about the earth. How the sky and the ground don't have arm and the rain takes care if that The poetry is a tr triumphant and monumental call to arms for our human race to Change The World. We Are Atlas Now. But somehow somehow we will do this ... We are connected to one another we are bound. This is how what I heard first thing this morning. And I am so moved by Shane Koyczan words that everything that seems wrong in the world to me can now be fixed when I write. So ask yourself What on your morning playlist? Shoulders By Shane Koyczan Or No Homo By Nice Peter Perhaps Try The First This We Put Into Our Body is the Most Important Thing. That Doesn't Just Refer to Food. #QuestionAnything #ChangeEverything #RTCritique #beholden #chasealias #dspollack #music #poetry #life #health B. Holden Vance Retweetcritique. Com @beingholden @retweetcritique Retweetcritique@gmail.com

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