Now you can pay Cincinnati parking meters with your phone

Parking app demo
Cincinnati's new parking app will display how much time is left on a meter and allow the user to add time remotely.
Courtesy city of Cincinnati
Tatum Hunter
By Tatum Hunter – Courier Intern, Cincinnati Business Courier

​All out of quarters? Starting today, you can pay Cincinnati parking meters with a mobile app.

All out of quarters? Starting today, you can pay Cincinnati parking meters with a mobile app.

The PassportParking app allows drivers to pay more than 4,000 on-street meters throughout the city using their smartphones. Users can also check the remaining time on a meter, add more time, receive a reminder when there are only 10 minutes left on a meter and view their past mobile parking transactions.

When a driver uses the app to pay, the meter will not display how much time was purchased. Parking enforcement agents will use mobile devices to check if a driver has paid to park. If a meter has leftover time from a prior parker, drivers must wait until the time runs out to pay with the app.

Meters equipped with the new technology will have decals on them.

The app is the latest in a series of changes to parking in Cincinnati, like smaller parking ticket fines, adjustable meter rates, new parking hours and no more free parking at the Horseshoe Casino.

PassportParking is available through the iPhone App Store and Android GooglePlay.