Your Trimester-by-Trimester Guide to Pregnancy Sex

Your sex life will likely ebb and flow during pregnancy, but here are some things to expect, plus an idea of what's to come down the road.

pregnant couple cuddling

Pregnancy changes a lot of things, and for many pregnant people and their partners, sex is no exception. But not all change is bad. In fact, pregnancy sex can be great, and for most people, it's also safe. Unless your doctor has told you to refrain from intercourse, having sex or experiencing orgasms won't harm you or your baby.

Just as your body will change trimester by trimester, your sex life might change, too. Throughout your pregnancy, you may have more or less interest in sex than usual. Likewise, your partner's libido may change during your pregnancy. The thing to remember? Change is normal. Just be open with each other about changes in your sexual desire, and read on so you know what to expect when it comes to pregnancy sex in each trimester.

Sex in Your First Trimester

Many, though not all, pregnant people find their sex drive diminishes during the first trimester. You may be too exhausted and nauseated to think about sex, and for some, sore breasts may also limit the desire to be touched.

If you're not feeling in the mood, you're in good company: A 2016 study found that 54% of pregnant people experience diminished desire during pregnancy as compared to before pregnancy. However, as with all things pregnancy and parenting, things can change very quickly and you may notice your libido picking up in the second trimester.

Sex in Your Second Trimester

For many pregnant people, the second trimester is the golden time of pregnancy, particularly when it comes to sex. The fatigue and nausea have likely lifted, and you may be feeling sexy again as you begin to "show." Physically, your clitoris and vagina are more engorged from the increased blood volume, which may increase pleasure. (Some people can even become orgasmic or even multi-orgasmic for the first time during the second trimester.)

However you're feeling, there could be a catch with your partner though: Some partners may feel inhibited about sex acts during pregnancy. For instance, if you're having penetrative sex, your partner may be concerned about hurting the baby. Some may even worry that the baby will "overhear" sexual activity.

It's important to keep an open line of communication about how you both are feeling. You can also talk to a health care provider about any concerns you both may have and work to find other ways to be physically intimate if sex is just not something you or your partner are comfortable with right now.

Sex in Your Third Trimester

Toward the end of the final trimester, some couples experience a drop in sexual activity. The sheer girth of a pregnant belly may make certain activities and positions difficult (but it can also lead to discovering new favorites!). Even so, as long as you don't have any complications or have been told by your doctor to avoid sexual activity, it is perfectly safe (and for some people, very enjoyable!) to continue having sex right up until labor.

In fact, there may even be some benefits to having sex as your due date approaches, as both orgasms and the prostaglandins from sperm (for people having penis-in-vagina sex) may help soften the cervix and prepare the body for labor.

But on that note, if you're worried that sex late in pregnancy might cause preterm labor, fear not. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists states that in low-risk pregnancies without any complications, orgasms and penetrative sex with genitals, fingers, or toys are safe and do not carry any increased risk of preterm labor.

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  1. Sexual activity during pregnancy. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2016.

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