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The new Batmobile from 'Batman v. Superman' has been fully revealed

The new Batmobile from 'Batman v. Superman' has been fully revealed

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Zack Snyder gave us a gritty, black-and-white glimpse of the new Batmobile back in May, and now, thanks to some people on Instagram who happen to be near the shoot, we're now starting to get a good look at the entire vehicle. The new photos show Batman v. Superman's Batmobile parked against the side of the road — where it's clearly a lot bigger than the average car. It looks like it's been covered in dirt, but you can still get a good look at the vehicle's general outline and questionable approach to aerodynamics. Perhaps most notable are the Batmobile's doors, which open upward, almost like wings.

Snyder has seemed pretty happy to share work on the film, so there's a decent chance that fans will get a better look at the Batmobile or any of the film's heroes while it's still in production. Batman v. Superman is currently scheduled to be released on March 25th, 2016.

See Zack Snyder's first official photo of the Batmobile


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