A Desk Built for Sleep

Many titans of industry spend much of their lives asleep under their desks.

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Do you ever get that "2:30 feeling"? The one where, at any time, you see one of those tragic 5-Hour Energy commercials and start to retch or get violent? Well, it's always good to sleep through anger. When red energy starts bubbling up and you think you might do something you'll regret, fold down your secret desk bed and leave it all behind. Here's how it works, I think.

This is your nice, normal-appearing desk -- oh, in a communal area, it seems.

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Looks like you forgot to close your laptop.

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That's better. Now fold down the front of the desk, which is a secret bed.

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And then ... just lie there. There's a lot of light, and it's kind of like lying on a board in a semi-public space, but still.

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Design and photography by Studio NL

Do you feel it? Better? That's negative energy draining out of your body, and profit draining out of your business.


Getting a Bicycle Desk

A Day on a Treadmill Desk

Healthiest Desks, Worst to Best

James Hamblin, M.D., is a former staff writer at The Atlantic. He is also a lecturer at Yale School of Public Health, a co-host of Social Distance, and the author of Clean: The New Science of Skin.