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Lack Of Digital, Cloud Opportunities Is Actually Embarrassing For Employees, Survey Suggests

Updated Jul 16, 2016, 11:53pm EDT
This article is more than 8 years old.

Is your organization still stuck in the 1990s? Do you feel it isn't doing enough to get aboard the digital technology train? Is your job lacking the digital resources to really make things happen? Don't fret, you are definitely not alone.

Many of today's employees have high hopes for acquiring and being trained in the latest digital tools and platforms. However, one minor obstacle stands in their way -- their employers.

A recent survey of 2,100 IT executives and staff office employees released by Sungard Availability Services finds no one -- from the executive suite down to the front lines -- doubts that digital technologies will improve or accelerate their businesses. However, line employees state that they aren't seeing such technologies percolate down to their day-to-day jobs.  The majority of employees want digital tools in their jobs, stating these new technologies make their jobs easier (69 percent), and enable them to develop new skills (63 percent).

However, it seems that expectations are not living up to reality when it comes to adoption, with over a third (37 percent) of office workers believing their company cannot drive digital transformation as fast as their competitors. If anything, half of employees surveyed (49 percent) admit that they "would be embarrassed to work at an organization that did not use the latest digital tools." One-third even admit they're left a job because it was lacking in access to the latest digital tools and platforms.

The survey's authors defined "digital transformation" in terms if the constellation of cloud-based technologies, digital platforms, website mobile site/applications, social media and customer-facing technology systems. About 700 of respondents were IT executives, and 1,400 were business users from North America and Europe.

A majority of employees, 61 percent, feel having access to digital tools and platforms was healthy for their career progression. However, merely buying and throwing technology out to organizations may be counter-productive. Even when technology and tools are available, the issue is training, or a lack of it. More than one in four employees (28 percent) stated that new digital tools are making their jobs more difficult, while nearly one-third (32 percent) feel it adds more stress to their role. At least 27 percent of employees feeling they are unable to use the new digital tools being provided.

Tellingly, close to half of employees (47 percent) claim they haven’t received the right training. At the same time, at least 40 percent of IT executives admit they lack the skills needed to integrate new applications into their existing technology.

IT executives are aware that the pace of digital transformation -- too slow -- is holding back progress. Some 52 percent of executives feel their organization cannot transform digitally at the speed that management expects, while 54 percent believe the speed of digital transformation is not meeting office workers’ expectations.

The research highlighted just how high expectations are when it comes to this digital push, with 84 percent of businesses in the survey stating that digital adoption is critical in remaining competitive within their industry, with a further 83 percent stating it is vital to improving productivity.