Doormats aren't just a place to wipe your feet. They should be provide a functional and stylish entry into your home, a pleasant welcome to anyone who visits. Instead of throwing down a cheap rectangle that's bound to get torn apart, think about building a beautiful, high-quality mat.

This DIY doormat design from Fix This Build That is made from 10 pressure-treated 2x2s and a length of sisal rope. You can use any type of saw to cut the blocks to length, and a drill press is helpful to make consistent straight holes for the rope to weave through.

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This project can be completed in an afternoon, and once the finish dries it's ready to go. Be prepared to build more, as once word spreads you made this mat yourself, you'll be inundated with requests.

The step-by-step instructions and a link to the full plans can be downloaded from

Headshot of Timothy Dahl
Timothy Dahl
DIY Editor

Timothy is a lifelong DIY enthusiast who is fixated on smart home tech, beautiful tools, and wrenching on his FJ62 Land Cruiser.  He’s the DIY editor at Popular Mechanics and also the founder of the home improvement site, Charles & Hudson, the Webby-nominated family site, Built by Kids, and Tool Crave. When not working, you’ll find him on his board or bike enjoying the LA weather with his family and friends. Follow him on Instagram and Twitter.