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Ikea savagely roasts Apple's US$6,000 'cheese grater' Mac Pro with a real cheese grater

Ikea savagely roasts Apple's US$6,000 'cheese grater' Mac Pro with a real cheese grater

Apple's product design approach has always been unorthodox. Case in point the latest Mac Pro.

Unveiled during the company's WWDC keynote, the powerful machine is a strong step-up from the last Mac Pro released six years ago. And gone is also the trash can design. The new US$6,000 Pro has been replaced with a rugged aluminium look that oozes industrial charm.

Alright, it basically looks like a damn cheese grater.

The new Mac Pro. Who's got some parmesan lying around?

As expected, Twitter couldn't help but to snatch a block of cheese to grind some flavorful reactions out of this bad boy.

The social media reactions have been great, but what's even more amazing is when a big corporation jumps on the bandwagon –– and there's no other company that's better at capitalizing internet trends than Ikea.

The furniture giant's Bulgarian division and an ad agency called The Smarts decided to unveil one of its newest products in a way that feels very familiar — and in typical Ikea fashion, very cheeky.

IMAGE: The Smarts/Ikea Bulgaria

The obvious "Designed for Apples" tagline aside, the ad takes a dig at the Mac Pro in numerous ways: To start, Ikea's "iDEALISK" grater is displayed with the holes facing forward, much like the Mac Pro's design. "iDEALISK" features a lowercase "i", which mimics Apple's branding for the iPhone and iPad.

The price. How can we forget about the price? At only US$2.30, you grate all the cheese you want without spending too much cheese.

Now please do something about the US$1,000 stand, Ikea.

Cover image sourced from The Smarts.

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