Note: For the first 24 hours after first installing Link Bubble, you will have access to all of Link Bubble Pro's premium features as a one-time trial.
How does it work?
  1. Click a link in an app.
  2. A bubble will appear on the edge of the screen and the link will begin loading in the background. As soon as the page is loaded, it will be displayed.

It's that simple! With Link Bubble, you can keep using your current app rather than wasting your time watching links redirect and waiting for pages to load. What's not to love about that?

Show me more!

You can also quickly share a link or add it to an app such as Pocket:

Looks both fun and useful right?

Link Bubble also:

Link Bubble Pro

The free version gives you a taste of Link Bubble's power, but with Pro you can:

  1. Load multiple bubbles at once.
  2. Load links from all apps.
  3. Help ensure I am able to write more apps in the future :)

Thanks, and enjoy the app!

Chris Lacy
@chrismlacy / +Chris Lacy

PS. To close this bubble, either press the Back button or long press the bubble and flick it onto the Close bubble.