You know when you need to replace your milk and your makeup, but your home decor won't last forever, either.

While they aren't as clear cut as the ones you'll find on your groceries, expiration dates do exist for your furniture and accessories. And according to Apartment Therapy, few people know what they are. In fact, 54% think furniture should last twenty years or more.

We've got news for you: Your sofa will probably be lumpy and bumpy long before that. Here's a look at the average lifespans for seven of the most common items in your home:

1. Mattresses

For the best support (and an optimal nights' sleep), expect to keep your mattress for 8-10 years, regardless of whether its a spring mattress, made of memory foam, or even a water bed.

2. Shower Curtain Liners

Because they're are so regularly exposed to water, shower liners are prone to mold and mildew. As such, it's best to replace them every 3-12 months.

3. Carpet

The least expensive carpet option, apartment grade, will last 1-5 years, while medium grade carpet should hold out for 5-15 years. If money isn't an issue, more expensive high-end carpets can last 15-25 years. 

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4. Pillows

If you're not cleaning your pillows regularly, expect to replace them after 6 months, though they can last a few years, if you take care of them. Try the fold trick: If you can fold a pillow in half, and it doesn't automatically unfold, it's time for a new one.

5. Bath Mat

Your bathroom rugs endure a lot of wear and tear (and you might need to wash it weekly), so picking up a fresh every 1-2 years will keep the space feeling fresh and clean.

6. Sofas

Who hasn't encountered a seating arrangement marked by a sofa that's clearly past its prime? To avoid such a snafu in your home, bring in a new model every 7-15 years.

7. Washer and Dryer

It's best to replace these appliances before they break down or start doing a shoddy job cleaning your clothes, so expect to buy new ones every 10-15 years. By then, you're likely to enjoy some improvements in the technology, which might make laundry day easier, as well.

From: ELLE Decor US