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Minions' Paradise reactions from E3 2015!

We are still rocking the show floor at E3 2015 and I wanted to give you my personal reactions on a game I know many of you will totally enjoy - Minions' Paradise.

Published onJune 18, 2015

We are still rocking the show floor at E3 2015 and I wanted to give you my personal reactions on a game I know many of you will totally enjoy. It turns out Gameloft is not the only one trying to capitalize on the Minions franchise, as EA has also announced Minions’ Paradise. These games are very different, though, and I will show you how.

So Minions’ Paradise is pretty much a builder/harvest game. I hate to make this reference, but it’s slightly similar to something like Farmville (or Sim City?). Users get this piece of land, which they are able to manage. More specifically, it’s an island where you can build different types of structures and put together a functional community of those little yellow creatures we all love.

The game is a bit more complex than I thought it would be. I was surprised at how deep the it goes, actually. Especially considering it looks super cute and it’s all about… the Minions. The game is very extensive and pretty much endless, so if you enjoy it you will be spending many, many hours playing it. Remember, the most successful games are not the necessarily most elaborated, but the most addictive. Minions’ Paradise sure is addictive, and there is so much you can do!

The game is free to play, but EA has to make money somehow – right? There will be a virtual currency you can purchase in order to speed up your progress. Regardless, you can probably still play it and have fun without ever having for fork out a single penny.


I do think those who have some sort of fascination for Minions will love this game, so make sure to check it out. Minions’ Paradise is coming to both Android and iOS, and it is already in a limited release, but everyone will get access to it later this year. More details will pop up, so make sure you stay tuned to Android Authority, your source for all things Android!

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