Conscious Discipline @FariasECC cover image

Sandra Gilbert and 2 others

Conscious Discipline @FariasECC

Conscious Discipline empowers us to be conscious of brain-body states in ourselves and children. It then provides us with the practical skills we need to manage our thoughts, feeling and actions. With this ability to self-regulate, we are then able to teach children to do the same. By doing this, we help children who are physically aggressive (survival state) or verbally aggressive (emotional state) become more integrated so they can learn and use problem-solving skills (executive state). When we...

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    Sandra Gilbert

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    Sandra Gilbert
  • Today in Ms. Roman's class, students sent well wishes to absent students and staff. You did it!

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    Sandra Gilbert

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    Sandra Gilbert

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    Sandra Gilbert
  • However, if we learn to regulate and integrate our internal state to be one of relaxed alertness, we are able access our own brilliance. We are empowered to change and make wise choices. An integrated executive state frees us from past conditioning, attunes us to the feelings and experiences of others, enables us to remain focused enough to set and achieve goals, and allows us to consciously respond instead of automatically react to life events.

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    Sandra Gilbert
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Conscious Discipline @FariasECC

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