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Data Shows That COVID-19 Has Made Canadians Among The Most Miserable People In The World

We're having a hard time...😫

The Macdonald-Laurier Institute has released a COVID-19 Misery Index that shows how miserable people in developed countries have been throughout the pandemic. 

While places like Norway and New Zealand got A+ scores, Canada didn't fare so well. 

Editor's Choice: Canadian Summers Will Eventually Last Half Of The Year According To A New Study

[rebelmouse-image 26010153 alt="Misery Index Shows That COVID-19 Has Made Canadians Completely Miserable " photo_credit="The Macdonald-Laurier Institute" expand=1 original_size="1757x911"] The Macdonald-Laurier Institute

In fact, Canada fell way below the global average, receiving a C grade and proving that Canadians have been pretty miserable over the past year. 

What's plagued us the most is "economic misery," where we actually fall down near the bottom, beating out only the U.K. and Spain for rates of misery on account of the economy.  

Other factors of misery include COVID-19 and the pandemic response. Canada seems to be in a pretty dark place. 

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