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Trudeau Says Restarting Travel Will Be 'Focused On Canadians Who Are Fully Vaccinated'

The PM said details will be released "in the weeks to come."👇

Trudeau Says Restarting Travel Will Be 'Focused On Canadians Who Are Fully Vaccinated'
Trudeau Says The Feds Are Looking At Reopening Canada To Tourists In ...
Interim Managing Editor

Justin Trudeau has revealed that travel restrictions in Canada will be eased for fully vaccinated Canadians first, with an official announcement expected "in the weeks to come."

Speaking during a press conference on June 8, the PM acknowledged "how eager people are to put the pandemic behind us and be able to travel once again."

Noting that the number of COVID-19 cases in Canada continues to drop and that the situation is "improving tremendously," Trudeau confirmed that an update on Canada's travel rules is coming.

"We'll have more announcements to make on measures that may be eased for those who've had both doses in the weeks to come," he told reporters on Tuesday.

"We need people to get the full two doses of their vaccines and that's why easing of restrictions will be focused on Canadians who are fully vaccinated," he added.

Trudeau's comments come as the feds face an increased number of calls to lift restrictions at Canada's international borders.

The government's expert COVID-19 advisory panel recommended scrapping mandatory hotel quarantine, while Canadian airlines and tourism companies are calling for a clearer plan for restarting travel in Canada.

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