15 Dog Posts From This Week That Are Honestly Just Really Important

    "Stay safe, humans."

    1. This week, Frida here — to the dismay of her hooman —enjoyed plenty o' Kraft Singles:

    Behold my dog Frida, who ate a whole stack of kraft singles while I was in the shower.

    2. This floof left a stick offering upon this welcome mat:

    i heard a light knock on my door and went to answer it and it was my landlords’ dog bringing me a stick 😭😭😭

    4. This dogini simply had enough:

    Get a golden retriever they said 😂

    5. This Frenchie was NOT 👏 ONE 👏 FOR 👏 GAMES!!!!!!! 👏

    The dog's reaction is the best 😂😂❤️

    6. He went BOING!!!!!!!!!!!

    that tail though 😂 (helenlauramorrey IG)

    7. HE 👏 CRAVED 👏 THE 👏 CHIMKEN!!!!!!!!! 👏

    8. This lil' floofy bb met the new bb bb!!!

    So the new baby just got home and we’re all just staring at her, taking it all in 😭❤️ The cuteness!?😭😭

    9. These two and their car decor made traffic more bearable:

    10. This corgi heard the whipped cream beckoning:

    Someone heard the sound of Reddi-Wip...😂🤣😭💀💀

    11. Jax here PUT 👏 HIS 👏 FOOT 👏 DOWN!!!!!!! 👏

    This is Jax. He’s glad you finally woke up. Thinks it’s time to have a little chat. If you’re going to be home all the time he expects some help around the house. 13/10

    12. This lil' pupperoni discovered the wonders of giant fake teeth:

    Omfg. My friend got some giant fake teeth to lighten the quarantine mood...and then his dog Thomas stole them.

    13. This herding dog found that Zoom wasn't the same thing as the Zoomies™:

    14. This dogini ran in slow motion, much to our delight!!!!!!

    here's a happy sausage to brighten your day (otistheogsausage IG)

    15. And lastly, this puppoli did what he could to raise morale!!! 💖