What is acceptance commitment therapy, and how can it help us cope with difficult thoughts and feelings?

The art of accepting negative experiences, rather than avoiding them.
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In a year where mental health has been at the forefront of our minds, you may well have heard of acceptance commitment therapy (ACT), but do you know what exactly it entails? The mindfulness-based therapy practice is an effective method designed to help people embrace their thoughts and feelings rather than fighting them — or worse, feeling guilty for them.

It plays into the idea that running away from your problems is never a good idea by promoting the concept of dealing with your issues head on. ACT is typically used to treat mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, OCD and addictions, and is praised by doctors and psychologists for the many benefits it provides patients who practice it. 

So, how does it work? ACT is a form of behavioural therapy that combines mindfulness skills with the practice of self-acceptance. “In ACT, the individual learns to step back from a thought no matter the content and to see it for what it is – a thought,” explains Dr Katharina Lederle, who often works with patients on this. “The next question then is whether the thought is truly helpful in this moment. If it is not, then attention is directed to the present moment.” 

This, of course, is a lot easier said than done. It takes time and effort to master the art of acceptance, so being patient with yourself is equally important. Dr Lederle suggests that letting things be in the moment will also help you accept whatever the problem at hand is. “Individuals also learn to allow the moment as it is and in doing so, they reduce the internal struggle and can relax,” she says. 

As well as helping you process psychological disorders, ACT can be effective as an inspirational and life-affirming perspective that boosts your self-determination. 

The core processes of acceptance commitment therapy

As explained by PositivePsychology.com, there are six core processes of ACT that guide us through the therapy and help us wrap our heads around the idea of psychological flexibility. The processes include the follow: Acceptance, Cognitive Defusion, Being Present, Self as Context, Values and Committed Action.

Acceptance: This is an alternative to our instinct which often push us towards avoiding negative thoughts and experiences. Instead, acceptance is about making the active choice to allow unpleasant experiences to exist, without trying to deny or change them. 

Cognitive Defusion: This is the techniques used to change how you react to your own  thoughts and feelings. As mentioned,  ACT doesn't limit our exposure to negative experiences but teaches us how to face them whilst lowering our fixation on them. 

Being Present: As Dr. Lederle explained, this is about being aware of the present moment without labelling the experience as good or bad or trying to predict the outcome. 

Self as Context: This approach is the idea that you as an individual are not the sole sum of your experiences, thoughts or emotions. Instead, it puts forward the alternative concept that you are more than your current experience. 

Values: In ACT, values are the qualities we choose to work towards in any given moment. It is about exploring what tools can we use to help us live our lives in line with our values. 

Committed Action: Like most things, consistency is key. Committed to action in this case means thinking about the steps you can take to reach your long-term goal by being aware of your feelings, how they affect you and committing to a mindset that changes that for the better. 

Ultimately, ACT is about allowing yourself to feel exactly what it is you are feeling, be it positive or negative, and feeling empowered within that. Rather than making all of your problems disappear, it helps you live a rich and meaningful life alongside the existence of pain and suffering by developing mindfulness skills that allow that—something we all need now more than ever as we  continue to navigate life in a global pandemic. 

This being said, ACT is an effective psychological technique when prescribed and regulated by a professional. Though self-acceptance and mindfulness are happily practiced by the individual, if you need help managing your thoughts and emotions, please speak to your GP.