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Justin Trudeau Was Interviewed By Kids About COVID-19 & Their Questions Were Intense

"Where do homeless people go to be safe from the coronavirus?" one kid asked.
Interim Managing Editor

Since the beginning of the outbreak of COVID-19 in Canada, many of us have had so many questions. If you’ve been wondering about what will happen to homeless people, or what will happen if your loved ones become sick, you’re not the only one! Thankfully, Canada's kids are on the case, and they’ve asked Justin Trudeau some of the country’s toughest COVID-19 questions.

Since COVID-19 made an appearance in Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been answering questions about the disease, as well as Canada’s response to it.

However, sometimes people want simple, easy-to-digest answers, and these don’t always come from press conferences and public statements.

Thankfully, Canada’s kids are on-hand to get some straight answers from both Trudeau and Canada’s top doctor. Over the weekend, CBC Kids News asked the tough questions that children (and adults!) want answers to.

In fact, some of their interview questions are pretty intense.

If you’ve been wondering “When will a vaccine be developed?” or “Can the disease survive freezing temperatures?” don’t worry, the country's 6-year-olds have got your back!

Starting the interview strong, one 10-year-old asked, "What can we do to support health care workers, apart from going outside every day and cheering them on?"

Trudeau explained that the best way to ensure the health care system was not overloaded is to make sure we don’t become sick. To do this, he recommended following social distancing protocol, staying at home, and washing your hands.

While he didn’t have an answer for the question, “When will school open again?” The PM did confirm, “It’s going to take a while still.”

One of the biggest questions Trudeau was asked during the interview was from a six-year-old girl in Toronto. "Where do homeless people go to be safe from the coronavirus?” she asked.

“One of the things we’ve done is given a lot of money to homeless shelters,” the PM explained, “to try and make sure that they have room for people who need a home.”

He added, “We’re all lucky to be living in a country where we all think about people who are more vulnerable and who have less, and need our support.”

Putting Dr. Tam to the test, one kid asked, "Do you think that Canadian scientists are going to come up with a vaccination soon?"

"It will take at least a year for the vaccine to be developed," she said. "Normally it can take up to ten years, so you can imagine, a one-year timeline is actually really, really fast."

She was also asked if COVID-19 can survive Canada's freezing cold winters.

"Unfortunately the cold or snow can't keep out the coronavirus," she explained.

The Prime Minister was also asked about COVID-19 and climate change, what will happen to kids if their parents become sick with the disease, and what song he sings while he is washing his hands.

They even made him sing it!

Keep it up kids, you're doing great.

*This article's cover image is for illustrative purposes only.

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