Supporting and boosting your immune system has never felt more important than right now, but can your diet really make a difference? And are 'superfoods' real or simply a passing wellness trend? We spoke to the experts to find out.

Cue the pro nutritionists and doctors who can tell you exactly what your immune system actually is, what qualifies as a superfood and how you can tailor your diet to support your immune system as much as possible. Consider this your guide to eating your way to an immune system that's in tip top condition.

What makes up our immune system?

We can talk about boosting our immune system all day long, but first, we need to know what comprises this part of our biology in the first place.

'Our immune system is very complex!', says NHS Junior Doctor, Dr Frankie Jackson-Spence. 'It consists of lots of different cells in the blood, and receptors all over our body which all interact with each other in a fine balance to ensure we effectively fight off germs like viruses, but avoid attacking our own body tissues.'

Superfoods That Support Immune System

What are signs of a weak immune system?

Before we set out trying to 'boost' our immune system, how do we know if it needs a bit of help in the first place? 'Everyone’s immune system is different,' says Dr Frankie. 'Some people have an overactive immune system and may experience "autoimmune disease" where their immune cells target their own organs causing diseases such as inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis, over or under active thyroid disease or Rheumatoid Arthritis.

'An under active immune system is harder to define,' Dr Frankie continues. 'Immune functioning is on a spectrum. Some people may catch coughs and colds more frequently, whereas others may experience a more severe illness than someone with a higher functioning immune system. There are also genetic diseases which cause a person to be immunocompromised, and some medications such as cancer, or transplant drugs can suppress the immune system.'

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Can your diet really boost your immune system?

'No single food group has any magical effect on the immune cells,' cautions Dr Frankie. 'Although, a varied and balanced diet and being in good health generally can support the optimal functioning of your immune system. Eating a varied and balanced diet to get all the essential nutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fats but also vitamins, minerals and fibre) ensures that all the immune cells in our body have enough nutrients to do their job properly!

'Regular exercise also supports immune system functioning, so even if you’re spending more times indoors I would encourage everyone to stay active. You can try at home workouts, go for a walk or even a run.'

What qualifies a food as a 'superfood'?

'A superfood is technically a type of food that is considered more nutritionally dense than other foods,' explains models and nutritionist, Rosemary Ferguson. 'Superfoods are mostly plants (veg/fruits), but some fish, legumes, beans, pulses, nuts and seeds are also labelled as "superfoods."

'The list is actually endless as to what may be classed as a superfood. We may think of Peruvian powders, matcha tea or very expensive goji berries, but a superfood can be considered a superfood because of one or two potent nutritional ingredients.'

10 Superfoods That Support Your Immune System

  1. Fish

'Fish is a wonderful example as it’s loaded with Omega 3 Fatty Acids, especially wild organic salmon or mackerel', says Ferguson.

2. Coconut Oil

'Coconut oil is another great example as it contains healthy linoleic acid and MCT fat,' Ferguson continues. 'Two chemical aspects only, but extraordinarily powerful in their output.'

3. Spinach

'Spinach is a superfood by default because of its dense nutritional make up as it’s absolutely loaded with essential vitamins and minerals like folate, vitamin C and zinc.'

4. Ginger

'Stop inflammation and any signs of cold and flu with this spicy root. It’s great to add to a post-workout smoothie. It reduces nausea, too, and is amazing as a herbal tea. I love adding ginger to savoury dishes, too!'

5. Garlic

'This plant superstar has been revered for its medicinal properties for hundreds of years. It’s thought to benefit more than 150 different conditions and has benefits ranging from anti-inflammatory to anti-viral to antioxidant. Chop it up and add it to just about any savoury dish for a boost of flavour and superfood power. Wonderful crushed raw with some Manuka honey at the slightest scratch of a sore throat!'

6. Zinc

'Zinc is an essential trace mineral which supports healthy immune system function, wound healing and nervous system function', explains Ferguson. 'It’s such a simple mineral that you can incorporate into your daily diet and one to definitely incorporate if you would like to support your immunity. I wouldn’t be without it! Try snacking on a handful of pumpkin seeds a day to get your dose.'

Superfoods That Support Your Immune System
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7. Turmeric

'Turmeric has antiseptic, analgesic and immune boosting properties as a line of defence against colds, flu and inflammation due to the active polyphenol called curcumin,' explains Amanda Griggs, Nutritionist at The Khera-Griggs Cleanse Clinic at Urban Retreat.

8. Citrus Fruits

'Lemons and also other citrus fruits are easily obtainable and an excellent source of Vitamin C and other anti inflammatory nutrients,' says Griggs. 'Vitamin C is important as our first line of defence to strengthen immunity against invading pathogens, viruses, and bacteria.

'Squeezing lemons on iron rich vegetarian foods like dark green leafy vegetables ,beans can increase the body’s ability to absorb iron essential in the fight for immunity.'

9. Green Tea

'Matcha tea is ideal if you can but it is more expensive. Green tea is nutrient rich in large amounts of a catechin called EGCG, which are natural antioxidants, and also rich in polyphenols that fight inflammation. It also contains an amino acid called L-theanine which keeps you happy and relaxed.'

10. Mushrooms

'Mushrooms contain beta glucans which have been shown to activate leukocytes for immune modulating properties. Mushrooms also contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids that are particularly useful when immunity states are depressed or low.

Are superfoods better for your immune system when eaten raw?

'You should definitely include a good balance of raw and a little lightly cooked,' advises Griggs. 'Many vitamins are lost during cooking but some vegetables benefit from cooking to release immunity stimulating compounds, for instance :

  • Cook tomatoes to release lycopene.
  • Cook carrots to get more beta carotene.
  • Cruciferous vegetables are good cooked and raw - cooked releases indoles protective against cancer, but raw preserves the sulphoranes.
  • Curcumin is lipophilic, it binds to fats, so if we cook with a little oil it binds to the oils and so is more easily absorbed. Adding black pepper also increases the absorption potential. Great to add to cooking soups, stews, curries, roasted veg.
Superfoods To Support Your Immune System
Jurga Po Alessi

Are superfood powders as effective in supporting your immune system?

'I love a good supplement/powder but only where I feel the need, and the need would be to bridge a gap where you may have a few nutritional deficiencies,' advises Ferguson. 'Otherwise, real superfoods are those we can find every day in our supermarket and I’m talking fruit and veg and an abundance of it. Food in its simple and purest form as close to its natural whole state as possible is so much better absorbed by us than anything that has been synthetically made.

'A diet full of vitamin C rich foods like bell peppers, kiwis, broccoli, citrus fruits etc. is going to do us a lot more good in the long run all year round than just taking a supplement during cold and flu season. Focus on everyday superfoods like mushrooms, broccoli, sprouts, mangos, legumes etc. and use you’re powders, herbs, supplements all as extra boosts for support where you need it.'

ELLE Edit: Superfood Powders
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5 Superfood Powders That Can Help To Boost Your Immune System

According to Griggs, superfood powders can be a great way to bolster your immune system.

1. Maca

    'This Peruvian root can boost energy and is a good adaptogen to combat stress and keep hormones balanced.'

    2. Baobab

    'Baobab is high in Vitamin C and other antioxidants and minerals.'

    3. Camu Camu

    'Camu Camu is a fruit native to the Peruvian Amazon and is a potent source of Vitamin C which is good for reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.'

    4. Moringa

    'This contains essential minerals, vitamins and and amino acids. Moringa benefits include blood sugar balance, organ protector, and balancing blood pressure. It's also high in iron which is suitable for vegetarians.'

    5. Cacao

    'Cacao powder is high in flavonoids, antioxidants and minerals that can boost blood flow to the brain and help you feel more energised.'

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      Rosemary Ferguson's Superfood Smoothie Recipe

      'Green smoothies are a simple and delicious way to start your day AND increase your daily vegetable intake and this one does just that, without compromising on taste so don’t worry!

      'There’s so many hidden greens and goodness in this one. Add a squeeze of lime juice to this smoothie for some extra zest and flavour and an extra dose of immune boosting vitamin C.'

      You will need:

      · Large handful of spinach leaves

      · 1 tbsp of pumpkin seeds (raw unsalted)

      · 1 frozen banana, sliced

      · ½ courgette, roughly chopped (preferably frozen)

      · ¼ avocado

      · 1 cup coconut water

      · 1 tbsp chia seeds

      · 2 tbsp of flaxseeds

      · Handful of mint leaves (optional)

      · Berries, to serve

        · Sprinkle of cinnamon, to serve

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        Headshot of George Driver
        George Driver
        Former Senior Digital Beauty Editor

        George Driver was the former Senior Beauty Editor - Digital at ELLE UK.