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Dr. Fauci Has A Message To Canadians Who Argue Vaccine Mandates Violate Their Charter Rights

"There comes a time when you do have to give up what you consider your individual right."

Western Canada Editor

American physician Dr. Anthony Fauci delivered a strong message to Canadians who are unwilling to get vaccinated because they believe it violates their charter rights.

Speaking at a McGill University lecture on October 1, Dr. Fauci said a pandemic is one of the scenarios where certain individual rights need to be given up for the greater good of society.

He said, "I think what people have to appreciate is that indeed you do have personal liberties for yourself and you should be in control of them.

"But you are a member of society and as a member of society, reaping all the benefits of being a member of society, you have a responsibility to society, and I think each of us, particularly in the context of a pandemic that's killing millions of people, you have got to look at it and say there comes a time when you do have to give up what you consider your individual right of making your own decision."

Vaccine passports have been confirmed in 10 Canadian provinces and fines for breaking the rules can be as high as $6,000.

Dr. Fauci suggested that educating people is the best method, adding: "The most important thing is to try and address people that have that attitude and try to convince them of the importance of the safety for themselves, their family and society. With the facts.

"Do it with a trusted messenger, not necessarily me or you but someone who they feel they trust. Be that a clergyman, be that a family member, a sports figure, someone who can relay it to them in a non-confrontational way."

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