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Canada Just Released A Blueprint For What 'Life After Vaccination' Looks Like

There's guidance on what you can do during the summer and fall.

Life After A Vaccine In Canada Roadmap Says What You Can Do
Senior Writer

There is now a blueprint from the Public Health Agency of Canada about what life after a vaccine in Canada will look like and it includes guidance on the things you'll be able to do in the coming months including camping, indoor sports events and family gatherings.

For the summer, it's expected that cases will be low while vaccine coverage is high for first doses and increasing for second doses.

Public Health Agency of Canada

If 75% of eligible people have received a single dose and 20% also have a second dose by the summer, then restrictions can start to be lifted but you'll still need to follow public health measures like physical distancing and wearing a mask. During that time, you can have small, outdoor gatherings with family and friends, go camping, go hiking, have picnics and sit out on patios.

For the fall, cases are expected to be low and two-dose vaccine coverage is expected to be high. If 75% of people who are eligible for a vaccine are fully vaccinated, then more measures will be lifted and you should be able to do activities indoors with people outside your household.

That includes going to post-secondary school, attending indoor sporting events and having family gatherings.

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